Subtle Energy Mechanics: Fundamentals for the Professional

12 Modules

SEM Containers

Here.  Let's talk body stuff already!  Sheesh.

What do you see when you look at your client/student/partner?

Is she breathing?  Where and how much?  Upper lungs/chest, diaphragm, belly button?  In this work, there is no "right spot."  We're not going for belly breathing, chest breathing, kazoo breathing.

Is her posture upright or hunched?  

How about the chin, is it shooting into tomorrow?  Would the head fall right onto her toes or right onto her shoulders, or (most likely) in between?

Is his posture contorted?  If so, is this personal style or some kind of habit no bueno?

Energetic Pattern Module

Remember, only address even leg length patterns AFTER you've addressed any uneven leg length.  

Modules for this product 12
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 Modules, One year live and online trainings, Facebook community
 $4,000.00 USD
 Modules, One year live and online trainings, Facebook community, 50 sessions with Craig
 $9,000.00 USD
 $1,100.00 USD  ( then $1,100.00 USD for 3 months )

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Yoga Instruction Services

[Your Name/Therapist's Name] ("Therapist")

Client's Name: ___________________________________________

Date of Session: ___________________________

Nature of Energetic Yoga: I, the undersigned, acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to participate in energetic yoga sessions provided by Craig Walker. I understand that yoga involves physical movement, stretching, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques to promote overall well-being and may include hands-on adjustments or assists.

Assumption of Risks: I acknowledge that participating in energetic yoga sessions carries inherent risks, including but not limited to:

  • The risk of physical injury or harm
  • Strain or sprain of muscles, ligaments, or tendons
  • Exacerbation of existing physical or medical conditions
  • Emotional distress or discomfort
  • Risks associated with performing physical exercises

Medical Condition Disclosure: I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the facilitator of any pre-existing medical conditions, injuries, or physical limitations that may affect my ability to safely participate in energetic yoga. I have disclosed all such conditions to the best of my knowledge.

Responsibility for Self: I understand that it is my responsibility to participate within my limits and capabilities, to listen to my body, and to communicate any discomfort or pain during the session.

Release and Waiver: In consideration of being allowed to participate in energetic yoga sessions, I, the undersigned, hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Craig Walker from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, or rights of action, which are related to, arise out of, or are in any way connected with my participation in these yoga therapy sessions.

Acknowledgment of Risk: I acknowledge that I have read and understand this Informed Consent and Liability Waiver. I voluntarily assume the risks associated with yoga therapy and hereby release Craig Walker from any and all liability.

Emergency Medical Treatment: In the event of an injury or medical emergency during a session, I authorize Craig Walker to seek and consent to medical treatment as deemed necessary.

Photography/Recording Consent (optional): I give permission for Craig Walker to use photographs, video, or audio recordings taken during the session for educational, promotional, or research purposes, without compensation to me.

I have read and understood the above and agree to its terms.

Client's Signature: ___________________________

Date: ___________________________

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